30 day Pinterest Fitness Challenge

I’m starting a fitness challenge.  I am not one to exercise. I don’t enjoy exercising for the sake of being fit. I took dance classes for most of my life, but I did that because I love dancing not because I wanted to be in shape.  After I got pregnant, I started exercising more often, but after I the baby was born, I’ve been letting exercise slide because of laziness. I pin all kinds of fitness routines thinking that tomorrow I will try them, but I rarely do.  I see posts all the time for “seven days to a bikini ready butt.. or abs or body…”  or even just daily exercise routines. My goal is for the next 30 days to use at least one exercise routine I pinned on Pinterest. It might be the same one for a whole week, but it will be from Pinterest.  I’m not trying to lose weight. I just want to be healthy, and I am curious to see if I can get in better shape by just  using exercises posted on Pinterest

** I would love for you all to join me! Let me know how it goes for you and post your tips and ideas as we go. I have a special fitness challenge category on my Pinterest board, and I will be adding to it as I go.**

Day 1: I started my work out listening to music from a pin entitled, “100 Best Work Ou t Songs.” (Warning! I found out some songs listed are labeled explicit! I skipped those songs.) I discovered that the energetic music made exercising more fun than working out in silence. I started with stretching exercises that I did not find on Pinterest but that I have done in dance classes and yoga for a long time. I then moved on to “The Everyday Wake-up Work Out,” which was pinned 433 times. I didn’t really feel like it was that challenging, but it was a good warm up. Because I feel like I have zero arm strength, the push-ups were the most challenging. I then moved on to start the “30 day Plank Challenge,” which was pinned 4,734 times.  This exercise is just planking for 20 seconds and then adding 10 seconds every two days. Because I have weak noodle arms I did a yoga strengthening exercise called  “5 minute Routine for Strong, Slim Arms.”  This one had 245 pins and was very challenging.  I then moved on to “Post-baby Ab Rehab Workout,” and last of all I decided to give the “30 day Beach Body Challenge,”which was pinned 1,782 times, a try. It didn’t take that long, and I did it while Hadassah was napping. I was encouraged that I could get it done and still have time to shower and eat breakfast before she woke up. I probably will do something similar to this every day this week, but I plan on posting twice a week about how the challenge is going!

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